Role Playing Game (One -time Play): Kids 7 - 10 years

Wednesday, February 2110:00—11:30 AMAmesbury RoomAmesbury Public Library149 Main St., Amesbury, MA, 01913

Ages 7-10

Spend your vacation week visiting another world! This program is a self contained quest and so you can come if you've never played D&D or a roleplaying game before! For this age group, the game is a modification of Dungeons and Dragons. This is a great way to use your imagination and discover this fantastic world of roleplaying games 

Pre-generated characters will be provided. Kids can attend this program on their own as the story and actions are simple enough to follow! 

What's the story? Little Heroes:  Become one of your favorite fairytale characters and help save the Candy Kingdom from evil magic!

Registration is required so we have space for everyone! 


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